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unit 5 evaluation

For the first task I had to first make a timetable and plan my work, this was easy as I use blocks of work until I finish and it makes it easy to plan. I then had to investigate which platform would be the best to make a secondary blog to put all of my work into, this was easy because I had previously done this for another brief and already knew which websites were the best, I then had to compare these and ended up deciding that the web builder was the best to use and make a blog using their software. The last part of task 1 was to choose three eras in history and document my decisions. I chose the American civil war era, World War 2, and the Vietnam War eras.

Task 2 was to choose one of my three eras to further research, for this I chose to research World War 2 America, I chose this because I already had prior knowledge of that era from my history GCSE. For the research I had to look into aspects of the time such as current events, cultural movements, style and design. I then had to use this research to write an essay on the era, the word guide was 500 words but as I had a lot of information on the era so I went over this. Overall I found this task easy but time consuming and the referencing confused me a bit to start with but I found a way to do it that worked for me.

For task 3 I had to find three comic book/strip artists from my selected era and analyse their work, exploring how key aspects of the era and location such as culture may have influenced their work. Once I had found the three artists I had to research possible messages that may have been passed through comics of the time and if they are controversial or if they had a hidden meaning, I also had to include examples of the artist’s work and identify key elements and characteristics of their work. The last part of the task was another 500 word essay which was a little harder to write this time as I’m not very good at evaluating others art work and finding different aspects of the art, especially seeing as so much of the comic art at the time was similar to each other.

Task 4 was probably my favourite task out of this brief. The first part of the task was to identify key elements and characteristics of a single artist from the era which I did quite easily as I had already evaluated the artist I wanted to do. The next part of the task was to develop concepts for a comic book, for this is first started by doing some ideas generation and this led to a mood board of the artist’s work which I would later use to remind me of the style which I needed to draw in, I then made three concepts, one of a front cover for the comic and then two of possible inner pages, I am happy with these images as I believe they show the artists style.

The last part of this task was to finalise a design for the cover of the comic that used the concepts as inspiration.

The last task was to publish my final cover on Tapastic or Musomic and to make a presentation of my work. This was easy and I placed the link on my blog

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